Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Insta Chat on Facebook weird moment

There I was Surfing the web, checking out what friends and family have done today on facebook etc.  Not like I haven't been with them or talked them today anyway.  But, it is 1a.m. or something so I was wide awake as usual and everyone else was pretty much snoring away.  There I was minding my own business when chat pops up and it's my ex.  Someone I still love and care about, but don't really want to be with.  Awkward moment, I don't think I have ever just casually chatted with him ever.  We jave always had deep meaningful conversations, (one of the reasons why I dig him), and here we were staring at the chat screen wondering if one of us was going to post anything besides "hey"  Really strange he talked about his music and invited me to go, I said I can't and then he talked about his new guitar I typed "swet" and then "oops I meant sweet" and he sent one of these, :) then we waited for awhile. No one typed.... still no one typed.... then I sent "night" and logged out of facebook as fast as I could. Jeeze when did I get this way?  Awkward moments make great stories, and I usually love them.  Not this time!

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